
Masataro Asai and Alex Fukunaga

The University of Tokyo


No details, read the paper! This is a pitch!

Made by guicho2.71828 (Masataro Asai)

1 Generic AI agent architechture


I first talk about the generic AI agent architecture.

A search agent first inserts the initial node into the open list.

then until the goal is found, it selects a node from the open list, and expand the node to obtain the children. Then for each child, it evaluates the child and store it in the open list with the result of evaluation.

This agent structure is very generic, so it applies not only to the classical best-first search agent but also the greedy agent, which includes Reinforcement Learning agent.

Now let's think about which part of this generic architecture has been successfully automated by the deep learning so that it does not require the manual feature engineering.

It turns out, Reinforcement Learning only solves the evaluation part. However, there are more parts that are not yet addressed by reinforcement learning.

First, State representation. The famous AlphaGo, which uses an evaluation function trained by reinforcement learning, assumes that the state representation is given apriori.

Second, state transition rules. This is also typically assumed to be given apriori. In Alphago or AlphaZero, the game rules of Go or Chess are hard coded by human. Also, in DQN which operates on Atari Environment, the system has access to the simulator.

It is precisely these parts that we address in this presentation.

1.1 Generic AI agent architechture


1.2 Generic AI agent architechture


1.3 Generic AI agent architechture


1.4 Generic AI agent architechture


1.5 Generic AI agent architechture


The scope of our paper ↑

2 Classical Planning: typically with a PDDL (symbolic) model

Modern planners solve an 8-puzzle optimally << 0.1sec

8puzzle-standard.png Initial State

8puzzle-standard-goal.png Goal State


(empty x0 y0)
(is panel6 x1 y0)
(up   y0 y1)
(down y1 y0)...
(:action slide-up ...

 (and (empty ?x ?y-old) ...)

 (and (not (empty ?x ?y-old))...))

3 They cannot solve an Image-based 8-puzzle










  • Impractical in many environments:

    unknown and no human is available

    e.g. autonomous space exploration!

4 We must automate 2 processes:





(:action slide-up ...

 (and (empty ?x ?y-old) ...)

 (and (not (empty ?x ?y-old))...))
  • 1. Symbol Grounding:

    Symbols = identifiable entities in PDDL

    Types Examples
    Objects panel7, x0, y0
    Predicates (empty ?x ?y)
    Propositions p28 = (empty x0 y0)
    Actions (slide-up panel7 x0 y1)
  • 2. Action Model Acquisition (AMA):

    Describe the transitions with symbols.


    When Empty(x, yold) ∧ … ;

    Then ¬Empty(x,yold) ∧

  • A Long-Standing Problem

5 Latent-Space Planner (Latplan)


5.1 Task: Solving an Imaged-Based 8-puzzle without any Prior Explicit Knowledge

System is not given any labels/symbols : e.g. "9 tiles", "moving"

Given only raw, unsegmented images = unstructured

No notion of motion


5.2 Task: Solving ANY Imaged-Based task

Domain-independent Image-based Classical Planner


Tower of Hanoi




5.3 Inputs

The system is given 2 types of input:

  • Training Input
  • Planning Input

5.4 Input1: Training Input – Image Pairs


Agent performed some action to the before-state, resulting in the after state

5.5 Input1: Training Input – Image Pairs


Randomly sampled transitions

as noisy image pairs

  • No state descriptions (unlike AlphaGo)
  • No expert traces (unlike AlphaGo)
  • No rewards (unlike DRL in general)
  • No access to the simulator (unlike DQN+Atari)

    → cannot ask for more examples

  • No action symbols

      (e.g. ↑↓←→Fire in Atari, grids in Go)

    → unlike any previous work to our knowledge,

      Image pairs are unlabelled ground actions

  • ALL previous Acion Modelling systems require symbolic/near-symbolic state/action inputs.

    (Konidaris et al. 2014, 2015), ARMS (Yang et al. 07), LOCM (Cresswell et al. 09), (Argall et al. 09), (Mourao et al. 12), Framer (Lindsay et al. 17)

DQN (Mnih et al. '15), AlphaGo (Silver et al. '16)

5.6 Input2: Planning Input


5.7 Output: Visualized Plan

5.8 Output: Visualized Plan

6 Latent-Space Planner (LatPlan) architechture


We must bridge the gap between these two worlds!

7 Step 1: Propositional Symbol Grounding


8 Step 2: Action Model Acquisition (AMA)


9 Step 3: Solve the Symbolic Planning Problem


10 Step 4: Executing the Symbolic Plan


11 Step 5: Obtaining the Visualization


12 SAE ∈ AutoEncoder (AE): Unsupervised Learning for NN


Target Function: Identity $x=f(x)$

  • Encode $x\;$to a latent vector $z$
  • Decode $z\;$back to the input $x$
  • Training: Minimize $|x - f(x)|\;$ (reconstruction loss)

adding a label: Latent vector autoenc.png

  • → However, ✘ Latent vector Z is real-valued

    INCOMPATIBLE with propositional reasoning

13 Solution: SAE as a Gumbel-Softmax VAE (Jang, Gu, ICLR2017)

Additional optimization penalty which enforces $Z \sim \textbf{Categorical}$:

   → $z\;$converges to a 1-hot vector e.g. $\langle 0,0,1,0 \rangle$.

Example: Represent an MNIST image with 30 variables of 8 categories.

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[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
  • Key idea: These categorical variables are directly usable

    as the source of propositional models

    In particular, 2 categories → propositional variables (true/false)

14 State Autoencoder (before training)


15 State Autoencoder (after training)


16 -

Q: Does the SAE (neural network) produce

sound propositions for reasoning?

AMA1 : an oracular Action Model Acquisition (AMA) method

      w/o generalization.

  • 1. Encode all image transitions in the environment
  • 2. For each transition, perform the following conversion explicitly:

     0011 → 0101  ;; encoded bit vectors of a transition
       ↓       ;; one action per transition
    (:action       action-0011-0101
                   ;; before-state is embedded directly
     :precondition (and (b0-false) (b1-false) (b2-true) (b3-true))
                   ;; effect = state diff
     :effect       (and (not (b1-false)) (b1-true)
                        (not (b2-true))  (b2-false)))
  • 3. Planning with Fast Downward (Helmert 08), A* (optimal solution)

16.1 8-puzzle with MNIST tiles (MNIST 8-puzzle)

8-puzzle using digits from MNIST database


31 step optimal plan

(See paper for other domains with noisy inputs)

17 SAE propositions feasible! Now what?

SAE is practical.

Trained with 20k out of 360k state examples. (8-puzzle)


AMA1 is impractical.

AMA1 requires all valid transitions in the real world


Therefore SAE + AMA1 is impractical.

  • → SAE + AMA2, a novel neural architecture

     which learns from few examples

18 AMA2 Overview


18.1 Action Auto Encoder


18.2 Action Auto Encoder → Incorrect Transitions


18.3 Action Discriminator → Prunes the Incorrect


18.4 Action Discriminator → Prunes the Incorrect


Elkan, Noto 08

18.5 Action Discriminator → Prunes the Incorrect


Elkan, Noto 08

18.6 AMA2 Overview


I completely skip the description of AAE and AD

please read the paper

19 AMA2 Experiments

Is it feasibile to do planning with AAE and AD?

Easy instances: Majority of instances are solved

Harder instances: Still many instances are solved

/ <   > <   >
step 7 7 7 14 14 14
noise std G s/p std G s/p
MNIST 72 64 64 6 4 3
Mandrill 100 100 100 9 14 14
Spider 94 99 98 29 36 38
LightsOut 100 99 100 59 60 51
Twisted LO 96 65 98 75 68 72

mandrill-intro-new.png mandrill-plan-new.png hanoi4.png lightsout_new4x4.png lightsout_twisted_new4x4.png noise-new.png spider-plan-new.png mnist-plan-new.png

19.1 AMA2 Experiments

Is it feasibile to do planning with AAE and AD?

Easy instances: Majority of instances are solved

Harder instances: Some instances are solved

/ <   > <   >
step 7 7 7 14 14 14
noise std G s/p std G s/p
MNIST 72 64 64 6 4 3
Mandrill 100 100 100 9 14 14
Spider 94 99 98 29 36 38
LightsOut 100 99 100 59 60 51
Twisted LO 96 65 98 75 68 72

Action Discriminators achieved reasonable accuracy

the type-1 / type-2 error in %

  type1 type2
MNIST 1.55 6.15
Mandrill 1.10 2.93
Spider 1.22 4.97
L. Out 0.03 1.64
Twisted 0.02 1.82
Hanoi 0.25 3.79

20 Conclusion : Latplan

The first completely automated system

  • Unstructured images → A symbolic planning model

    from scratch (no human symbols, structured data)

  • State AutoEncoder(SAE) : real-world statespropositional states

    Action AutoEncoder(AAE) : transitionsaction labels, effects

    Action Discriminator(AD) : transitionbool with PU-Learning


    Solved two of the major grounding problems

    Types of symbols Handled by Latplan?
    Propositional symbols Yes
    Action symbols Yes
    Object symbols No
    Predicate symbols No

20.1 Future Work (Input format)

LatPlan is an architecture : Any system with SAE is an implementation

Different SAE → reason about different types of raw data

 Autoencoders for text, audio [Li 2015, Deng 2010]

  • Latplan + Dialogue System:

    Transition rule "This is an apple, this is a pen → oh, ApplePen"

    1000 steps of natural language reasoning with logic, not by reflex

     ↑ Because classical planning can handle long sequences

"A hierarchical neural autoencoder for paragraphs and documents." (2015)

"Binary coding of speech spectrograms using a deep auto-encoder." (2010)

20.2 Future Work (Extended planning formalism)

  • Latplan assumes nothing about the environment machinery (grids, movable tiles…)
  • Latplan assumes fully-observable, deterministic domains
  • Next step: Extending Latplan to MDP, POMDP
    • Gumbel-Softmax layer → just a Softmax layer? (probability)
    • $AO^*$, $LAO^*$algorithms for optimal planning under uncertainty

20.3 Future Work (Propositional → First-order)

SAE can generate propositional symbols (state $s = \{q,r\ldots\}$)

  • 1st-order logic (predicate $p(a,b)$)
  • We need object recognition from images (parameters $a,b$)
  • SAE with networks for object recognition (e.g. R-CNN) should achieve this

20.4 Future Work (Knowledge extraction)

AMA2 (AAE/AD) is a neural network, thus precondition/effects are in a blackbox

Hinders deriving heuristic functions

Knowledge extraction by Konidaris et al.('14,'15), δ-ILP (Deepmind) ?

21 AMA1 Appendix

Using the Remaining Time (Discussion)

21.1 Results with photographic, unseparated tiles (Mandrill 8-puzzle)

MNIST 8-puzzle has cleanly separated objects -> This domain does not.


21.2 Results with photographic, unseparated tiles (Mandrill 8-puzzle)


Notice that latplan has no idea that this is an 8-puzzle; They are entirely different from the system's point of view

(We skip other domains)

21.3 Results with photographic, unseparated tiles (Spider 8-puzzle)


Notice that latplan has no idea that this is an 8-puzzle; MNIST, Mandrill, Spider are entirely different from the system's point of view

21.4 Tower of Hanoi (3 disks, 4 disks)

Completely different puzzle problems can be solved by the same system



Optimal Solution (7 steps,15 steps)

21.5 Lights Out

Does not assume "objects" are static (objects may disappear)


Optimal Solution

21.6 Twisted Lights Out

Does not assume grid-like structures


Optimal Solution

21.7 Handling the Noisy Input

SAE implementation uses a denoising layer (Denoising AE)


Benefit from existing DL methods immediately

Improved speed, robustness, accuracy

21.8 Konidaris et. al (2014, 2015):

Structured input (e.g. light switch, x/y-distance) ↔ unstructured image

 33 variables ↔ 42x42 = 1764 variables (pixels)

 Inputs are highly entangled; no straightforward representation exists

Action Symbols (move, interact):

 modes of transitions are already segmented by human

Just converting Semi-MDP model to a PDDL model.

Could be used for extracting PDDL from AAE/AD

21.9 NNs for solving combinatorial tasks:

TSP (Hopfield and Tank 1985)

Neurosolver for ToH (Bieszczad and Kuchar 2015)

The input/output are symbolic.

21.10 Other Work Combining Symbolic Search and NNs

Embedded NNs inside a search to provide the search control knowledge

(i.e. node evaluation function)

Sliding-tile puzzle and Rubik’s Cube (Arfaee et al. 2011)

Classical planning (Satzger and Kramer 2013)

The game of Go (AlphaGo, Silver et al. 2016)

21.11 Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) (Mnih et al. 2015, DQN)

DQN assumes predetermined action symbols (↑↓←→+ buttons).

DQN relies on simulators. ↔ Latplan reverse-engineers a simulator.

DQN does not work when it does not know what action is even possible!

21.12 Other Interesting Systems

SCAN system (deepmind)

  • Maps continuous latent vector and human-provided symbolic vector

    • They are missing points because they don't think about what symbols are for
    • They are for efficient, automated reasoning!
    • Floats are not efficient, humans can't be involved

δ-ILP (Inductive Logic Programming)

  • ILP robust to noise
    • Extracting rules from AAE/AD to form a PDDL?

21.13 Why bother the off-the-shelf planner? Shouldn't the blind search do?

Domain-independent lowerbounds work, SURPRISINGLY!

  • This is NOT a trivial finding!

    lower-bounds are…

    • taylored for man-made domains
    • assumes the domain has a structure

    Blind search even sometimes outperform sophisticated methods on man-made instances (Edelkamp 12)

  • lb works → more difficult problems can be solved (future work)


Number of states expanded, mean(stdev.)

domain N Dijkstra A*+PDB
MNIST 13 210k(50k) 97k (53k)
Mandrill 12 176k(13k) 112k (57k)
Spider 13 275k(65k) 58k (30k)
Hanoi 30 20.7(29.7) 12.6 (22.0)
LightsOut 16 433(610.4) 130 (164)
Twisted 16 398(683.1) 29.3 (62.4)

N : number of instances.

All results are AMA1 (produce PDDL)

21.14 Why Gumbel-Softmax is necessary?

  • Alternative 1: Use a normal NN and round the encoder output?
    • ✘ The decoder is not trained with 0/1 value
  • Alternative 2: Include the round operation in a NN?
    • ✘ Rounding is non-differentiable / Backpropagation impossible

21.15 Why not individual pixels? Why DL?

Systems based on individual pixels lack generalization

  • Noise / variations can make the data entirely different


  • must acquire the generalized features
  • = a nonlinear function that recognize the entanglements between multiple pixels

22 AMA2 Appendix

22.1 Successor Function

AAE: enumerates, AD: filtering the invalid.

\begin{align*} Succ(s) &= \{t = apply(a,s) \; | \; a \in \{0\ldots 127\},\\ & \qquad \land AD(s,t) \geq 0.5 \} \end{align*}

Now we can run $A^*$with goal-count heuristics

with action symbols and propositional states

22.2 Why action symbols are necessary?

Planners typically perform a forward search (Dijkstra, $A^*$)

Without Action Symbols, successor generation becomes challenging

  • SAE with $|z|=36 \text{bit}$

    → Generate $2^{36}$potential successors, then filter the invalid

  • With action symbols, (e.g. up, down, left, right)
  • → We can enumerate the candidates in constant time.

22.3 Training Input lacks action symbols

Should identify the number of schemas from what is un/affected


22.4 Precondition/Effect learning is not trivial

Case 1: Linear Space

  • We do not need an action label; it is linear anyways
  • Then, AMA ≡ prediction task ($\approx$scene prediction in video)
    • We can train a neural network $a(s) = t\;$by minimizing $|t-a(s)|$


22.5 Precondition/Effect learning is not trivial

Case 2: Graphs

  • Multiple action labels
  • Varying number of successors

    for each state

  • Therefore we cannot train $a(s) = t\;$for each $a$ because we don't know which (s,t) belongs to which $a$.


  • Correct Question: What is the right function to learn?

22.6 Action AutoEncoder

What is the right function to learn?

  • $a(s) = t$

    We cannot train this

  • $a$is a variable!

    $apply(a,s) = t$

  • Transition is a mapping

    action $a → $ successor $t$

    conditioned by

    the current state $s$

  • The right function to learn!

23 Basic Appendix for ML people

23.1 Learning vs Planning

Main differences: Purposes and the abstraction layer

Machine Learning, Neural Networks

for Recognition, Reflex

  • Subsymbolic Input (continuous)

    Images, Audio, unstructured text:

  • Soft Intelligence:

      Reflex Agent, Immediate actions

    Pavlov's dog : bell → drool

    Autonomous Driving : Pedestrian → Stop.

    Machine Translation : Sentence → Sentence

    Eval. Function for Go : board → win-rate

    ☺ Quick 1-to-1 mapping

    ☹ Simple tasks

Deliberation, Search

for Planning, Game, Theorem Proving

  • Symbolic Input/Output

    Logic, objects, induction rules

  • Hard Intelligence by Logic:

      Multi-step strategies

    Rescue Robot : actions → help the surviver

    Theorem Proving : theorems → QED

    Compiler : x86 instructions

    Game of Go : stones → Win

    ☺ Ordering constraint + complex tasks

  • AlphaGo = Subsymbolic (DLNN eval. function) + Symbolic (MCTS)

23.2 Human-Competitive Systems

AlphaGo = Subsymbolic (NN eval. func) + Symbolic (MCTS)

  • However, domain-specific – specialized in Go, "Grids" / "Stones" are known
  • Huge expert trace DB — Not applicable when data are scarse (e.g. space exploration)
  • Is supervised learning necessary for human?

    True intelligence should search / collect data by itself

DQN = Subsymbolic (DLNN) + Reinforcement Learning (DLNN)

Domain-independent Atari Game solver (Invader, Packman…), however:

  • RL Acting: Greedily follow the learned policy → no deliberation!
  • You can survive most Atari games by reflex

23.3 Latplan Advantages

Perception based on DLNN

— Robust systems augmented by the latest DL tech

Decision Making based on Classical Planning

Better Theoretical Guarantee than Reinforcement Learning

Completeness (Finds solution whenever possible), Solution Optimality

Decision Making Independent from Learning

Unsupervised (No data required), Explainable (Search by logic)

23.4 When Latplan returns a wrong solution?

Machine learning may contain errors (convergence only on $t\rightarrow \infty$, not on real time)

  • Images → Fraud symbols/model/graph
  • Optimal path on a fraud graph or graph disconnected

    A* completeness, soundness, optimality (admissible heuristics)

  • Fraud visualized plan (noisy) / no plan found

LatPlan may make wrong observations but no wrong decisions

BTW, "correctness" is defined by error prone observations by humans anyways …

(completeness, optimality) → better reliablility than Reinforcement Learning

23.5 Reinforcement Learning

Both perception and decision making depend on training

  • When the learned policy is wrong,
    • the solution could be suboptimal
    • It could even fail to find solutions (incomplete agent)

… AlphaGo was unprepared for Lee Sedol’s Move 78 because it didn’t think that a human would ever play it.

Cade Metz. "In Two Moves, that Redifined the Future." Wired, 2016

RL may make wrong decisions.

23.6 Why symbols?

Symbols are strong abstraction mechanisms becasue

Meanings do not matter

You do not have to understand it: Does a symbol $X$mean an apple or a car?

Logical reasoning can be performed by mechanical application of rules

  • Domain-independent planning : mystery vs nomystery

    Logistic domains where symbol names are mangled (truck → shark)


A latent vector is a conjunction (and)

Heuristic functions use modus ponens to derive guidance

24 Neural-Symbolic AI.


Author: Masataro Asai

Created: 2020-03-30 月 22:33
